GCB Fanfics: Vs. Mode |
Vs. Mode - Alucard vs. BombermanThe scene opens high above a mess of a city. Gloomy and dreary are the words that best describe the landscape as the camera zooms downward. Within all of the darkness, however, is a large domed building, seemingly out of place. Many of the city's inhabitants are trying to gain entrance as the camera flies over some of their shoulders and into the dome. "We are live from Midgar Arena, where the GameFAQs Great Character Battle continues!" The camera pans back to reveal the usual announcing duo. "Hello again to everyone watching throughout the multiverse! My name is Brock, and she's the girl with Flare, Lucca! Welcome to Vs. Mode." "Tonight, the stage is set for the second half of the South Division's first round battles. The fan favorite, Sephiroth, is scheduled for a clash with Raziel, but our first match tonight features another undead warrior." The Castlevania Theme starts to play as Lucca finishes her sentence, and Alucard enters the stadium. "The son of Dracula, Alucard returns to the GCB after his Sweet Sixteen run last year. He defeated Tails and Duke Nukem before he fell to Cloud." Alucard steps up as the classic Bomberman Theme is heard. "Bomberman is also making his second GCB tournament appearance. In one of the oddest matches last year, he defeated NOD leader Kane. He then lost to Jill Valentine when she shot a bomb he held in his hands, ending the match in the first 30 seconds." Bomberman runs up a ramp to reach the ring. "A half-vampire against a cute alien with a huge stockpile of bombs? Both have won matches before. Who's going to win this one, Brock?" Lucca asks. "Well, let's see," Brock begins his analysis, "Alucard has some strong spells at his disposal, and he can also get in close with that sword of his, but he will have to be wary of Bomberman's sole weapon, his bombs. The little guy can set a lot of them at once, and he can even pump them up to ridiculous sizes. Still, Alucard's versatility gives him the advantage." "Players, to your position. Player 1, ready?" Alucard draws his Alucard sword. "Ready." "Player 2, ready?" "Ready!" Bomberman cutely replies. "Combatants ready. Raise force barriers. Match 21, Alucard vs. Bomberman. 3, 2, 1... fight!" "Power's on; game's started! As expected, Bomberman is tossing out the bombs, hoping to catch Alucard in an explosion or two. The half-vampire won't have any of it as he Super Jumps and launches Hellfire! Bomberman got pretty scorched, but he is not giving up that easily." "Alucard shifts into bat form, where his aerial advantage is put to good use with his Wing Smash! Bomberman responds by tossing a remote-control bomb and detonating it in mid-air! That blast has left Alucard flying erratically as he tries to get his bearings back, but Bomberman is starting to pump one of his explosive devices. The little guy wobbles for a bit under the big bomb's weight and tosses it in the general direction of Alucard. And he detonates it!" "The explosion left a decent-sized crater, but Alucard managed to escape. The son of Dracula reverts to his human form, and he has activated his Sword familiar. This is bad news for Bomberman, since I don't think the familiar will be affected by any kind of bombs. In a desperation move, Bomberman is kicking his bombs like soccer balls, perhaps to trip Alucard before giving him a blast." "That's not going to work, as Alucard orders his Sword familiar to perform Sword Brothers! All of the bombs were detonated before they could reach the son of Dracula, and Bomberman just could not stand up to that attack." Bomberman is flat on the ground with Xs for eyes, and Ref-Bot does his thing by raising the white flag. "Winner: Alucard." "The half-vampire has prevailed and will move on to the second round," Brock announces. "Coming up next is one of those matches where the competitors have absolutely nothing in common. One comes from a land of dreams and the other from a land of fantasy. We'll be right back!" Next Entry Back |