GCB Fanfics: Vs. Mode |
Vs. Mode - Auron vs. Tails"We're back at the Gold Saucer's Battle Arena, where Cloud just took a decisive victory over CATS after a rough start. It's time now for an injury report from Max, our behind-the-scenes guy. How are last week's competitors, Max?" Brock asks. "I have nothing but good news, Brock. Jill, Ratchet, and Crash have already been sent home, and Isaac is staying to support his teammate, Felix. The only winner to be seriously hurt, Squall, refused treatment after casting Cure on himself. Tonight's first loser, CATS, is under observation at the Gold Saucer's Medical Center. Let's hope we continue to see good fights with minimal injuries. Back to you, Brock." "I was just thinking the same thing, Max. With all of the action that goes on in that ring, the risk of getting hurt is extremely high. While we would like to see no one else get injured, that just won't happen." "And the fighters, themselves, know it better than anyone else," Lucca adds. The spectators cheer loudly as Final Fantasy X's theme signals Auron's entrance. Tidus and Yuna follow their squadmate to ringside. "The second match of the night is about to begin as the tenth squad of Double-F arrives. They may be from a completely different universe, but they are certainly receiving the same support that Cloud had in the last match. This is Auron's first GCB entry, and he seeks to accomplish what squad leader Tidus couldn't do this year." Auron steps into ring and takes some practice swings with his Masamune as the Mission Street theme from Sonic Adventure 2 plays. "Here comes Tails, piloting his Cyclone mech, with the rest of the Sonic Team there to cheer their youngest member on." Tails parks the Cyclone at ringside as Sonic and Knuckles give words of encouragement to the two-tailed fox. However, Shadow is nowhere to be found. Just before Tails enters the ring, Sonic hands Tails ten power rings. "How about some analysis, Brock?" "This would be an even match if Tails was using the Cyclone, but it looks like he wants to try to win this on his own power. In that case, Auron has the advantage in terms of attack power, but Tails can fly out of the samurai's reach. Still, I believe Auron should win this battle." "Players, to your positions. Player 1, ready?" Auron takes a swig of sake before he says, "Ready." "Player 2, ready?" "Ready!" "Combatants ready. Raise force barriers. Match 10, Auron vs. Tails. 3, 2, 1... fight!" "Power's on; game's started! Auron charges and gives a quick slash to Tails before he could take off, scattering his power rings all over the Battle Arena!" "Those rings are incredibly important to Sonic Team members as they provide some measure of protection. One power ring is all that's required to withstand even the strongest attacks, but they immediately scatter and become hard to reacquire once the owner has taken a hit." "Tails is frantically trying to gather the rings up, but Auron is giving chase. It almost looks like whenever Tails has a ring in his hand, Auron jars it loose with a swing of his sword." "It looks pretty hopeless for the little guy. Hold on! Tails suddenly stopped his ring chase to slap Auron in the face with his two tails! Auron flinched, giving Tails enough time to fly into the cockpit of his Cyclone! The fox has lost all his rings, but he won't need them in his mech." "Now this battle is getting interesting as Tails hits Auron with a homing laser assault! The Cyclone charges into the ring, and Auron gets sent flying from a nasty punch from point-blank range!" Lucca winces. "That move reminds me of Robo's Rocket Punch, which I thankfully never got to experience. Auron is back up after a 4-count, but Tails sends him down again with shots from the Bazooka! Could this be our first upset in the East Division?" "It could be, as Auron slowly gets up and rolls out of the way of another Bazooka barrage. The samurai seems to be getting tired as Tails is charging the Cyclone's Power Laser!" Lucca grins as she counters, "Ah, but you forgot Auron still has yet to play his trump card. Tails fires the Power Laser, but it's too late! Auron's already in his Overdrive, the Tornado! Tails is stunned as his mech simply falls apart from Auron's desperation attack! Auron now grabs the fox by his tails, preventing any sort of escape. Tails is hanging upside down as the Masamune is put against his neck. The young fox promptly tells Ref-Bot that he surrenders." "Winner: Auron." Auron sets Tails back on the ground, where the samurai tells the young fox, "You are truly a worthy opponent. I wish you the best of luck, next year." Tails smiles as he responds, "Good luck to you, too!" The young fox walks back to his teammates, who give him consolatory pats on the shoulder, and Auron is greeted with cheers as he bows to the crowd. "That's exactly what you want to see after such a fierce fight," Lucca says. "Another brilliant battle is over, with Auron advancing to face fellow Double-F member Cloud in the next round. Coming up next, the King of Koopas and a boy with PSI powers from Onett will make their GCB debut against each other. We'll be right back." Next Entry Back |