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Tryout Fic #5: Solid Chihuahua - Sonic vs. Ken AftermathA thick cloud of dust was still rising from the floor of the arena, obscuring the contestants from view. Many of the spectators stood up to get a better view. Tails flew high above the stadium to see, just like everyone else, how badly the martial arts master was injured. "Their attempts are futile," said KOS-MOS, who was sitting next to Master Chief. "An increase in altitude attained by standing only gives a .274% increase in visibility to the unaided human eye. The dust particles obscure vision by 98.22%." "Oh I know!" replied Cortana. "Humans are so illogical!" KOS-MOS had been conversing with Cortana, the AI program that resided in Master Chief's helmet, for the entire match, much to the Chief's dismay. He had to sit through the entire match listening to two machines babble about percentages and optimal performances. It was only due to respect for Cortana that the Chief didn't tell them both to shut up. After all, they had been through combat together, and that can even create a bond between a man and a machine. Still, the marine thought to himself, It was an interesting match. The speed at which the hedgehog moved was astounding. He would dart around the stadium, leaving only a trail of dirt kicked up by his energetic feet that lingered long after he had stopped and gone off in a different direction. And the Chief would have to face him if they each won their next match. He had fought all sorts of covenant, the monkey-like grunts to the humongous hunters, as well as the deadly and numerous flood. But he had never fought something that moved as fast as that. Well, Chief thought, chuckling, maybe when I shot at Guilty Spark when his chatter got to be too much. He was pretty hard to hit. Chief ignored Cortana's lecture (it was about the heart rate of a hedgehog against that of a human) long enough to think back to the memorable occasion when he hit Guilty Spark with a rocket. "Damn, was he pissed," laughed the soldier. "Do you have something to add, Chief?" Cortana took a break from her lecture. Cortana would never hear the answer to that, due to a loud gasp that erupted from the crowd. It seemed that the cloud of dust had cleared enough for the crowd to decipher two dark shapes. One was of a muscular man lying on the ground; the other belonged to a hedgehog. The hedgehog-shaped silhouette suddenly burst from the cloud with blinding speed. "OHHH YEAH!!!" Sonic stopped just long enough to thrust his fist into the air triumphantly before running at top speed around the outer part of the arena. Even with all the particles of dirt Sonic was adding to the air, observers on the far side of the stadium could see Ryu carrying his comrade on his shoulders as he exited the arena. ---- SOME TIME LATER The spectators and tournament entrants that decided not to attend Sonic's loud and disruptive victory party were either training or wandering the grounds. Those that happened to wander past Ken's locker room would hear an odd, rhythmic sound. Thump-thump-thump-WHACK! Thump-thump-thump-WHACK! If said wanderer chose to stay, he or she would hear this for some time into the night. Only Solid Snake recognized this sound as someone punching and kicking one of the dummies from the training area. Snake was about to enter, but was stopped when Ryu, who was standing outside of the door looking sullen, simply shook his head slowly. Snake understood and walked off to join Sam Fischer, who had just recovered from his wounds. They were planning on throwing flash bangs into Sonic's party. Next Entry Back |