
GameFAQs drinking game! Everyone join in! (or not)

Every time someone invents a new variation upon pwned, take a drink.

Every time fad posting overruns the board, take a drink. If the fad gets deleted, take two drinks.

Every time someone compares the board to LUE, take a drink, or simply yell LUED!!!!

Every time someone other than Iron Grunty says clang, take a drink.

Every time someone other than Priest of Gix talks like a pirate, take a drink.

Every time someone threatens to suicide or leave the board, take a drink. If they actually end up leaving, take three drinks.

If you manage to post in a genuine suicide, take two drinks.

If CJayC actually posts on the board, take three drinks.

Every time another epic tournament is created, take a drink. If it actually gets completed rather than abanonded, take three drinks.

Every time another fanfiction project gets started, take a drink. If it actually gets completed, down the whole freaking bottle.

(if you were paying attention, you should have taken two drinks already)

The Summer 2004 Contest Drinking Game: (Warning: May lead to Priest of Gix levels of intoxication)

Every time TJF is invoked, take a drink.

Every time the kiddies are invoked, take a drink.

Every time suspicion of cheating is invoked, take a drink.

Everytime fanboys are invoked, take a sip.

Every time people scream that CJayC screwed Crono two years in a row, mark their post and take a drink.

Every time a perfect bracket posts on the board to brag, either take a drink or throw it in their face. If it's Aeon Azuran, take two drinks.

Every time a slightly underseeded character winning is referred to as an upset, take a drink. If you predicted it correctly, take two drinks and brag.

If a 12 seed or lower wins, take 3 drinks. Take another 2 drinks if you predicted it correctly.

Every time the fanboys panic or suicide en masse over their favorite character, take a sip for each one.

Every time people complain about how obvious it is that only Link/Mario/Cloud/Sephiroth/Crono/AiAi can win, take a sip.

If someone other than the above mentioned characters wins, down the bottle. If someone other than a Nintendo/Square character wins, drink the contents of a distillery and consume all alcohol within a 100 meter radius.

The Fanfiction Project Drinking Game:
If there's a guest author posting, take a drink. Two drinks if it's not Jjukil.

If there's an update less than 3 posts or more than 7, take a drink.

If someone says a cool, badass, and memorable line, take a drink. Take two more drinks if it's not Magus.

If someone says a memorable truly evil line, take a drink. Take two more drinks if it's not Sephiroth or Kefka.

Take a drink every time a character is saved from death by a remarkable circumstance. If they end up dying anyway, down the bottle.

Take two drinks every time a character dies. Vomit up the drinks if it turns out they really didn't.

If a fake fic gets posted, take a drink. If you thought it was the real one, buy me a drink.

Every time you spot an obvious plothole that gets glossed over in the comments, take a drink.

Every time people complain about updates, take a sip. Every time a writer complains about updates, take a drink.

If your favorite character just bought it, toast their loss. If the fic was actually any good, take nine drinks, to toast each of the authors.

If an author promises to leave, take a drink. Take two drinks if they return for a guest appearance/fic.

Take a drink every time you find that you know more about a character from the fics than from their games.

Take a drink every time someone posts some reasonable speculation about how it'll all end up.

Take two drinks if you can identify who had each chaos emerald and each piece of the Triforce.

Take a drink every time a blowout is made to look like a close match, and a close match is made to look like a blowout.

Take a drink every time a plot twist actually surprises you. Two drinks if it wasn't purely contrived.

If it ever finishes, buy us all drinks.

Author: BigCow