Shake and Oddity's CYOA

3.24, AM. August 28, 2033. Khatar Sector

Snake shook off the notion of taking on Megaman027.

It would be a battle against a squadron of Blanks* but I'm just one man. It was a nice thought while it lasted. I won’t be worth much to the resistance if I'm dead. Too many people consider men who die needlessly as heroes. Good men have died for causes not their own. And I'm no hero. Just doing my job.....I need to concentrate on the task at hand.

Snake began crawling toward the figure in the shadows. He seemed to be trembling. If that android searches here........I will have too little time to hide him. He really is a grunt.

He looked at Megaman027 one last time.....he seemed to be talking through a standard issue LDC**.........he then watched as Megaman027 sped off with incredible speed towards the Center of Khatar. That’s one less threat.............. !!??

The figure Snake had been watching had begun to emerge from his hiding place....or what passed for one. He quickly sneaked behind him once he had determined his identity.

"Get down, rookie. Double M isn't the only one on patrol."

A major tremble went through Vercetti's body as if he had been struck by lighting. He didn't comply with the request, instead he made an annoyed hand gesture and spat at Snake : "You ****ing lunatic ! You scared the living daylights outta me. "

"Keep your voice down and hit the ground " Snake glaringly lectured. "And follow me. I have to talk to you and this is no place for a chat." Tommy muttered a few insults while he complied." Don’t try to boss me around Snake, I'm not your ****ing GI Joe alright?! I don’t take orders from you." Snake simply nodded his head into the direction they were going.

They proceeded into an old abandoned house that Snake often used as a meeting site for the Resistance. Rats scurried away as Snake moved some rotten wood that had obviously been there to cover an entrance. They went inside.

"This dump is friggin' filthy Snake. We should have gone to my...."

"Where the HELL have you been" Snake kept his voice down as he grunted this, but it was obvious he wasn't going to be satisfied with a less then detailed explanation.

Vercetti felt Snake's eyes piercing his. He was getting uncomfortable with Snake's attitude, but he knew he shouldn’t push it. He felt a twinge of guilt. He knew he had been out of line. "I went to see Maria.." his tone was flat as he said it. Then he suddenly shouted, "I'm just a man, I am not a part of your ****ing little resistance which by the way has as much chance as a blue moon on a friggin' Friday of work.."

Snake finally raised his voice : " You jeopardized the mission to cheat on your wife and family? You are an hour late, not only that, but your brother-in-law is vital to the success of this mission. If Nikki found out, this little visit could have blown it, Tommy. When are you going to take this seriously? "

"How is Nikki going to get a message through to a Link Honor Guard in time to screw things up?" Vercetti exclaimed. "Tell me that one. And when did you become so friggin' stuck-up Snake? You weren't like this in the old days when.."

"In the old days a lot of things were different Tom. You just changed for the worse"

Both men stood eye to eye as Snake suddenly realized this wasn't going anywhere. He had lost all respect for Tommy when he had lost himself in the fantasy world the hub provided, and started living the fantasy. They all changed and grew because of the problems but Tommy................he had lost all of his thinking.

No one had been more opposed to tapping Vercetti's brother-in-law then him. He had known an Honor Guard wasn't going to take risks if he didn't get to see the genuine article. And working with Vercetti was not something he wanted. Although even he didn't think he would screw this up as badly as he had done now....

*Sigh* "Lets just get on with the mission..................rookie" Snake whispered with a softer voice then he had before. "You wasted enough time already"

For the first time Vercetti saw his old friend as he had known him. The last comments seemed more of a tease then a lecture. He relaxed. "Alright Snake......let’s get this ball rolling"

Snake led Vercetti out of the compound as the two men argued about how to get to the Hub without being detected by android patrol.

"Snake I am telling you, we don’t have time for a detour. Fritz is only guarding the hub for another 45 minutes and the trip there is only 10 if we take the Freeman main road through the city Center."

"Tom, I saw Double MM heading in that exact direction. It is too dangerous. Especially with that shirt you have on. You are the only one I know who would wear a Hawaiian shirt for an undercover mission" Snake said with an even expression. "If we move fast we might have a chance"

"Don’t you talk down on my stylin', I don’t look good in black'. And I am telling ya’, you ain’t the only one who can hide yourself. I can follow your lead Snake, we won’t be captured by a couple of friggin' refrigerators!" Vercetti exclaimed , clearly cheered up now he had confessed his failure.

"The time for jokes is over Tommy. Get serious fast. "Snake said sharply.

After a silence Vercetti said with pleading eyes, " Let me do something right for a change. I've ****ed up so much Snake. Even our friendship..............I can do this............... Snake wasted no more time and nodded. Silently they made there way into the Khatar Center , dodging patrol after patrol. Vercetti , not as good as Snake, looked determined not to fail Snake again. They were a 100 yards from the main residential area. It looked abuzz with activity, although it was impossible to see from here what exactly was going on.

The two men nodded to each other with puzzled expressions when Snake spotted something. "Get down" he hissed. "There is something on the side of the road. It looks like a body. I am almost certain of it. My gut tells me something is wrong here Tommy..............the guards should have removed it, in plain sight like that."

What should Snake and Vercetti do?

A: Trust Vercetti and let him scout the city and Snake will check out the body. (Perspective goes to Snake)
B: Trust Vercetti and let him scout the body while Snake checks out the city. (Perspective goes to Vercetti)
C: They stay together and let Snake check out the body before going to the city. CHOSEN
D: They stay together and move around the body to check out the city Center.

Author: Shake